Healthy Kids Day

Sat Apr 29 , 10 am – 1 pm

Hosted by New Haven YMCA Youth Center
Details The New Haven YMCA Youth Center is hosting their annual Healthy Kids Day® on Saturday, April 29 10am-1pm. This free, open to the public, annual event features a variety of family-friendly activities to encourage healthy kids, healthy families and a healthy start to the summer season. Come and celebrate with us! We’ll have activities and special demonstrations.

Bring your family and friends. Everyone is welcome. Enjoy games and activities, speak with community vendors, meet YMCA staff, and even learn some basketball skills from representatives from the Connecticut Sun.

To help families in our community, we are collecting healthy food items appropriate for a child’s lunch box. Such as: granola bars, juice boxes, pretzels, goldfish, applesauce, fruit cups, veggie straws, Jell‑O, and other non-perishables.
Admission FREE
Location Hamden/North Haven YMCA Camp Mountain Laurel
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