Film: Palm Springs

Thu Mar 2 , 7 – 9 pm

Hosted by Yale Film Archive
Details PALM SPRINGS (Max Barbakow, 2020, 90 mins)
New print! Max Barbakow in person! Barbakow’s directorial debut about wedding guests trapped in a time loop has been called ​“a near perfect, sneakily provocative romcom” (Peter Travers) and ​“a delightfully romantic flight-of-fancy with enough salt to avoid becoming too saccharine” (James Berardinelli). Andy Samberg, Cristin Milioti, and J.K. Simmons star. 35mm print from the Yale Film Archive. Special thanks to NEON. Co – presented with Yale Film Society through the Yale Public Screening Partnership program. Sponsored by the Traphagen Alumni Speakers Series, Yale College Office of Student Affairs.

Free and open to the public. All attendees must be asymptomatic and fully vaccinated against COVID-19 (including boosters when eligible) and should be prepared to show proof of vaccination. Masks are recommended.

​“Treasures from the Yale Film Archive” is an ongoing series of classic and contemporary films in 35mm curated by the Yale Film Archive, presented with support from Paul L. Joskow​’70 M.Phil.,​’72 Ph.D.
Admission FREE
Location Humanities Quadrangle, Lower Level
More Info info link