Author Meet and Book Signing

Fri Jun 2 , 6 – 8 pm

Hosted by Derby Public Library
Details Educator, theatre director, and local author, Gary Scarpa, will visit the Derby Public Library to sign and talk about his new book, What are the Chances?, which tells the story of Italian immigrants living in the Valley through the Depression and World War II. Many events in the book take place in Derby and Shelton.

Gary Scarpa is a lifelong resident of Shelton who enjoyed a lengthy and fulfilling career as an English teacher and guidance counselor at Shelton High School. Along with his wife, Francesca, he devoted himself to theater for forty-three years. Gary and Francesca directed the Shelton High School Drama Club for more than thirty years, and they founded the Youth CONNection Players in 1983 and Center Stage Theatre in 2005. After his retirement from both education and theater, Gary reinvented himself and began writing fiction. The historical romance, What are the Chances?, is Gary’s second novel. 

Gary will be available to sign his book before and after his author talk. (Please note for those who would like to have Gary sign his book before the talk — there is a separate registration).
Admission FREE
Location Derby Public Library
More Info info link