Film: Smoke Signals

Fri Nov 17 , 7 – 8:40 pm

Hosted by Yale Film Archive
Details SMOKE SIGNALS (Chris Eyre, 1998, 35mm, 89 mins)
25th anniversary screening! With a screenplay by Sherman Alexie, this coming-of-age comedy travels from the Coeur d’Alene Reservation on a road trip across the American West. ​“A warm film of friendship and reconciliation” (Kevin Thomas) that is ​“alight with oddball nuances and wry observations” (Marc Savlov). Adam Beach and Evan Adams star, with supporting work by Irene Bedard, Gary Farmer, Tantoo Cardinal, Elaine Miles, and John Trudell. 35mm print from the Yale Film Archive.

The ​“Treasures from the Yale Film Archive” series is presented with support from Paul L. Joskow ​’70 M.Phil., ​’72 Ph.D.
Admission FREE
Location Humanities Quadrangle, Lower Level
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