Japanese Woodcut/Mokuhanga

Mon Oct 30 , 6 – 9 pm

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Hosted by Creative Arts Workshop
Details Discover this centuries old printmaking process with a fascinating history. The method employs natural materials and non-toxic pigments and offers the potential to make innovative and beautiful prints. Students will experience multiple aspects of the printing method, from designing and cutting the wood blocks and kento registration guides, to preparing the paper, inks, and paste for printing.

Topics will include how to use the specialized wood cutting tools, create color for blocks, and use hand pressure to transfer the image from block to paper. The traditional technique of creating smooth tonal and color gradations will also be explored. Students will create a small edition of prints, and also experiment with block arrangements, pigment colors, and textured and colored Asian papers.

Tuition for this class includes a fee of $20 for basic materials provided by CAW.
Admission 354
Location Creative Arts Workshop
More Info info link
When Weekly on Monday, starting from Oct 23, 2023, until Nov 27, 2023