Film: The Living Record of Our Memory

Tue Apr 2 , 7 – 9 pm

Hosted by Yale Film Archive
Details FILM: THE LIVING RECORD OF OUR MEMORY (InĂ©s Toharia, 2021, DCP, 120 mins)
Exploring the history of film — and film preservation — through the eyes of individual archivists, preservationists, and filmmakers working to ensure that film history is not forgotten, Toharia’s documentary is ​“a cautionary tale urging us to be more aware of how we store and preserve what we film and watch” (Charles Bramesco). DCP from Filmoption.

​“Cinemix” features stand-alone screenings of standout films, presented by the Yale Film Archive and our colleagues from across campus and beyond.
Admission FREE
Location Humanities Quadrangle, Lower Level
More Info info link