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Hosted by | University of New Haven |
Details | We are looking for a diverse group of residents from New Haven and West Haven who are at least 16 years old, to be trained as “COASTers.” Those selected will take part in a comprehensive summer training course taught by experts from the University of New Haven and Gateway Community College. During this course, COASTers will become acquainted with field skills and techniques for understanding the ecology, water quality, flora, and fauna of Long Island Sound. Participants will also learn the human dimensions of coastal management and how to discuss conservation, policy, and science with the general public. Our newly trained citizen scientists will then apply their knowledge in educating their communities about our “blue backyard” through a series of community events and professional development workshops. These interactive programs will be held along Long Island Sound, at field sites throughout the New Haven area, and at the University of New Haven’s new marine lab at the Canal Dock Boathouse. A year-end conference will be held to review lessons learned, successes, and challenges as well as provide recommendations for future training sessions and community outreach events. All costs for supplies and travel will be covered for those selected as COASTers. Interested community members should visit the program webpage and click the link “Apply” to reach the online application. |
Admission | FREE |
Location | Canal Dock at Long Wharf and coastal locations throughout the New Haven area. |
More Info | info link |
When | Every 7 days, starting from Jun 26, 2024, until Aug 14, 2024 |