
Fri Nov 22 , 11 am – 3 pm

Hosted by YBA LLC
Details Entrepreneur Ryan Jones, a 23-year-old New Haven resident and founder of YBA LLC, is excited to announce #FeedTheStreets, a community event taking place on November 22nd (in memory of his uncle David ​“Beaver” Darden). The event will be from (11AM to 3PM) at a local farm located at 613 Ferry St., New Haven, CT.

#FeedTheStreets is an annual charity event that aims to support those in need by providing free essential items, including canned goods, turkeys, chickens, fresh produce, diapers, and personal hygiene products such as toothbrushes, toothpaste, soap and deodorant. This initiative seeks to uplift our community during the holiday season, ensuring that everyone has access to nourishing food and basic necessities.

Community members are encouraged to participate and help spread the word. For those interested in making a difference, monetary donations can be made through the “#FeedTheStreets” tab on our website, yballc.com. Additionally, individuals wishing to donate food and hygiene items may coordinate a pickup of collected goods via the following: 
call: 475 – 223-8423
email: youngblackamerica12@gmail.com

Join us for a day of giving and community spirit as we come together to #FeedTheStreets. Our aim is to ​“Change the world one hood at a time”. We look forward to seeing you there! God Bless!
Admission FREE
Location Ferry Street Farm
More Info info link