Film: Vertigo

Fri Jan 24 , 7 – 9:15 pm

Hosted by Yale Film Archive
Details VERTIGO (Alfred Hitchcock, 1958, 35mm, 128 mins)
New print! Obsession and manipulation are taken to dizzying heights in what many consider the greatest film ever made. James Stewart is Scottie, a San Francisco detective doing a job for an old college friend, and Kim Novak is the object of his infatuation, the friend’s beguiling wife Madeleine…or is she Judy, or Carlotta? Dazzling cinematography by Robert Burks is accompanied by Bernard Herrmann’s spellbinding score. 35mm print from the Yale Film Archive. 

The ​“VertiGoals” film series is devoted to Hitchcock’s Vertigo and a selection of films it inspired.
Admission FREE
Location Humanities Quadrangle, Lower Level
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