Film: Moi-même with guest Mojo Lorwin

Thu Apr 24 , 7 – 8:15 pm

Hosted by Yale Film Archive
Details MOI-MÊME (Mojo Lorwin & Lee Breuer, 1968/2024, DCP, 65 mins)
Mojo Lorwin in person! Paris, May, 1968: Breuer and future members of the Mabou Mines theater company start work on a satirical short about Kevin, a 13-year-old trying to start a film collective against a backdrop of strikes and demonstrations. Half a century later, the abandoned project is expanded and completed by Lorwin, Breuer’s son, creating a unique look at the political and artistic heritage of the 60s. Watch for a cameo by Jean-Luc Godard! DCP from the filmmaker. Co-presented with the Beinecke Rare Book & Manuscript Library.

The Cinemix” series features stand-alone screenings of standout films, presented by the Yale Film Archive and our colleagues from across campus and beyond.
Admission FREE
Location Humanities Quadrangle, Lower Level
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