Film: "Thoughts on Medical Assisted Suicide"

Tue Mar 25 , 6:30 – 7:30 pm

Hosted by Progressives Against Medical Assisted Suicide

Progressives Against Medical Assisted Suicide (PAMAS) premieres its 35-minute film, Thoughts on Medical Assisted Suicide,” which examines and helps educate about this controversial topic, considering its historical context, current practice, and impact on health care. The film includes interviews with disability and social justice activists; a nationally and internationally recognized palliative care physician, Dr. Diane Meier; and a retired Connecticut disability rights attorney, Nancy Alisberg, who each discuss their personal and professional reasons for strong opposition to the practice. With original work written and performed by West Haven poet, songwriter, and performance artist, Elaine Kolb, ASL interpretation by Connecticut School for the Deaf Community Interpreting, and narration by Scott Harris.

This program, hosted by the Hamden Public Library, is free and open to the public. Seating is limited. Registration is recommended. Go to https://hamdenlibrary.libcal.c…. For more information: contact PAMAS at, or the Miller Library,, (203) 287 2680. 

The film was produced by Progressives Against Medical Assisted Suicide and Karyl Evans Productions LLC, with partial funding from the Haymarket People’s Fund, the Community Foundation for Greater New Haven, and the Patients Rights Action Fund. Fiscal sponsorship was provided by the Arts Council of Greater New Haven and the Center for Disability Rights, New York.

Admission FREE
Location Hamden Public Library
More Info info link