1,000 Books Before Kindergarten

Mon Apr 26 , 12 am am – 11:59 pm (all day)

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WHERE: Derby Public Library

313 Elizabeth St.

WHAT: A literacy initiative designed to share 1,000 books with your young child prior to their start of kindergarten

WHEN: Participation in the program is ongoing with the goal accomplished at a pace that works for each individual family. The only time constraint is it must be completed before the start of kindergarten so registration of children as young as infant/toddler age is encouraged.

HOW: Upon registering online, a journal may be downloaded/printed for the parent/caregiver to keep track of books read. At each 100 increment of books read, you can e‑mail the Children’s Room, or stop by the Library vestibule with the journal to be initialed and a star with your child’s name will be placed under the corresponding caption on our display board to indicate their achievement. There will also be surprise incentives along the way! It’s simple, easy and the best part is it can be completed according to your schedule.

Reading aloud to your young child sets the foundation for school success!

You may register at the More Info button below, or at http://www.derbypubliclibrary.org.

There is no fee to participate.

To view a short promotional video for this ongoing program, go to our Facebook site @ https://www.facebook.com/Derby… (if not posted yet, please check back at a later time to view it.)

Admission FREE
Location Derby
More Info info link
When Daily, starting from Apr 26, 2021, until Aug 23, 2021