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Hosted by | Homes for the Brave |
Details | Step OUT for the Brave 40,000 Step Challenge Dates: August 7 — August 15 Place: Anywhere Time: 12am — 11:59pm for all dates. Cost: $40 Contact: Elizabeth Gorenbergh (203) 338‑0669 The challenge, which is the organization’s signature fundraiser, will allow participants from across America, and even the world, to participate wherever they reside during the nine-day period. A festive kick-off event will take place on Saturday, August 7th outside at Webster Bank Arena in Bridgeport, CT. Visit to register. The cost is just $40 and includes an event shirt. The event kick-off is part of BPT200, a citywide celebration of Bridgeport’s history and modern-day culture, cuisine, and colors. Homes for the Brave, based in Bridgeport, CT, has hosted this event for the past six years, and since 2002, the organization has helped homeless individuals, almost all of whom are Veterans, to secure income, find safe and affordable housing, and make meaningful contributions to our community. |
Admission | FREE |
Where |
More Info | info link |
When | Daily, starting from Aug 7, 2021, until Aug 15, 2021 |