Riverside Reptiles "Senses & Defenses" hybrid

Fri Apr 22 , 11 am – 12 pm

Hosted by Seymour Public Library
Details The Seymour Public Library Children’s Department is happy to host Connecticut’s own Riverside Reptiles on Friday April 22,2022 11:00am. Learn about live animals that have exceptional senses & defenses that they use to communicate and protect themselves from predators. This is a free program open to all ages. Riverside Reptiles will be presenting over zoom, so viewing from home is an option, but an in-person viewing option is available at the library.

Registration is required for at home viewing. 
To regsister: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZArf-2rpj4tGN2IAxH0ESFL_zYN161XSz‑m

If you have any questions, please call the library at 203 – 888-3903.
Admission FREE
Location Seymour Public Library